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It’s easy to ship your product to Brazil now

How do we work?

W Express is an American family business specialized in International Air Freight.

We work with international shipments since 1991, facilitating the process and bringing comfort to our customers.

We have a trilingual customer service to clarify all your questions and concerns and help with anything within our reach.

You will eliminate a series of issues using W Express, turning a simple service into a great experience that is easy to use and navigate!

We ship your packages to Brazil the way you desire. We follow all laws. and regulations according to the Brazilian customs.

Your shipment will be delivered via the Brazilian postal service to any address in Brazil without a worry!

How can we help you?

Nos ESTADOS UNIDOS existem produtos com os melhores preços, por isso, a procura pelas compras em lojas online tem aumentado bastante nesses últimos anos. Porém, as lojas online não enviam diretamente para o BRASIL. É aqui que a W Express entra para te ajudar. Desenvolvemos um envio rápido, seguro e barato, facilitando a vida dos Brasileiros que desejam adquirir produtos nos Estados Unidos e enviá-los ao Brasil.

It’s Fast! It’s Safe! It’s Affordable!

Register today and receive $5 off your first shipment!