Ship your package at the nearest FedEx or W Express office, or buy online from your favorite store like Walmart or eBay.
Click button Add Shipping in My Account to register your shipping information.
Your package will be shipped to Brazil with a Tracking Number. After customs clearance, the delivery will be done by the postal service of Brasil at the destination .
* Prices valid only to packages with compact content, with no cubic weight higher than the gross weight. User our Shipping Calculator for more information:
Acess your My Account, tracking number is in the column Correios Tracking # after we perform the steps below::
DELIVERY TIME: After 3 or 4 days business days we receive our package in W Express Miami, the Tracking # will be updated in Correios website, and you can track your package shipping status updates. The total delivery time ranges from 7 to 15 business days in average.
DELAYS: Logistic incidents can happen increasing delivery time, like flight delays, imports high volume in holidays, customs clearance delays, etc.
Seven days after your package arrives in Brazil, if your tracking # has no updates (status Objeto encaminhado), raise a complaint at Ouvidoria dos Correios and post a message on Correios Instagram Account, they may reply to you in their social media accounts.
According to INSTRUÇÃO NORMATIVA RFB Nº 1737, DE 15 DE SETEMBRO DE 2017, Art. 30., “Goods imports by individuals intended for resale or to be submitted to the industrialization process is prohibited”, therefore, if customs officials interpretation is that the content imported is intended for resale, they may apply fines and/or taxes surcharge, even confiscate the goods, according to they own criteria.
That said, shipments that meet the below criteria, have lower taxation possibility: